Bhil tribe

Rajasthan is the largest state of India located in the north western part of the India. There are three main tribes living in the Kumbhalgarh area namely, Bhil, Garasia and Khathodi. These tribes mainly depend upon the forest as source of their livelihood.
Most of the Bhil tribe people interviewed were familiar with the species dealing with common ailments like cough/cold, digestive problems, fever, headache and skin infection. They were also familiar with plant remedies, which were used regularly by them. In tribal communities, common knowledge of medicinal plants is learned from the elders and community member who share knowledge of mode of collection and administration of medicinal plants.
Enormous literature is available about tribal medicines. Some of them may be very effective and few can be even non effective too for the ailment to which they are being used. It is the right time to prove their effectiveness. Someone can do this job in Rajasthan. Medicines, which prove good, can be produced commercially to benefit the mankind. The money earned from effective medicines, can be used for the upliftment of socio-economic status of local tribals.

S.No. latin name of plant species Picture Usage
1 Adiantum caudatum (Adiantaceae) Frond juice is poured
on the ear opposite
of pain side
to treat migraine
2 Aloe Vera whitish pulp of
succulent leaves
is applied locally to
treat burns
3 Anogeissus latifolia stem bark is chewed
to treat cough
4 Calatropis procera ash of leaves
kept in a cloth
and smelled to treat